Your watch is designed to assure you excellent performance for many years to come. If you have any questions about the functions or the warranty of the watch, on how to make small adjustments or even on the periodicity of revision procedures, please consult the user manual, specifically designed to answer these questions and provide information necessary to ensure the best performances of the watch that you bought.


To get the instruction manual you want, enter the watch code in the field below.
The code is printed on the back of the watch case. The code can be a numerical code of ten characters or an alphanumeric code of 5 characters.
The code can be preceded by a letter (R or S) and is always accompanied by five numeric characters. Enter in the field below the code, without the letter that precedes it and without the five numbers that accompany it. Here below an example for the good reading of the code:

Example code with 10 numeric characters:
R3253172002 - 05832
3253172002 - 05832
05832 - R3253172002
05832 - 3253172002
In all the above examples, the code to enter is 3253172002.

Code :